You can specify the artist name, track title, barcode or catalog number, then choose the web source you prefer (such as MusicBrainz or Discogs). When adding a new album, Music Collection offers you the possibility to search for details on the Internet, so you do not need to manually enter all the details. For each track, you get the full title, artist and album names, as well as duration. You can browse all included albums or only the last 20, or you can switch from the album view to the track view to get a better picture of all the songs stored in your database. To help you get an idea on the features provided by this app, you can explore and experiment with the sample entries until you get the hang of it. Songs from the Apple Music catalog cannot be burned to a CD.Music aficionados often have a hard time organizing their albums - things get a little bit easier when it comes to the digital versions of their most beloved tracks, considering they can use specialized software, such as Music Collection.

PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor with support for SSE2 and 512MB of RAM.